WorksOnline Softaculous Auto-Script Installer Print

  • auto install, script install
  • 2

Installing scripts (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) scripts manually within your hosting account can be confusing and sometimes difficult. In the past, you had the option to use Quickinstall to install a variety of scripts directly from your cPanel.  

WorksOnline is moving away from Quickinstall and to Softaculous.

What is Softaculous and how to access it?

You can install 190 scripts through your cPanel with a click of a button. WordPress, Joomla, Drupal are among the popular scripts.  If you have installed your website through Quickinstall or any other script, please take a moment to export your data (website, application) from Quickinstall and into a  Softaculous application.

  1. Login into your cPanel (
  2. Navigate to Softaculous and select the application you want to install. 



3. After selecting your application the steps to install will appear. 




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